Tag: Skill Trees

  • Now Live: Big NEStalgia v1.56 Balance Patch

    Although I may have been MIA from the blog this week (no podcast again, sorry!), both Spiff and I have been really hard at work behind the scenes. I waded through balance tweaks while Spiff cranked out a ton of bug fixes which went live earlier in the week for a v1.55c update, and he […]

  • v1.54 Released – Bug Fixes and Ranger Improvements

    The v1.54 update is now live on all servers (version notes). It address a handful of minor bugs (thanks Spiff!) and also delivers some substantial improvements to the Ranger skill trees. My goals with the Ranger tweaks were A.) to boost the power of Storm spells for most types of builds, and B.) to significantly […]

  • Preview: Changes to Soldiers in v1.52

    Soldiers are one of NEStalgia’s most popular classes, but the problem with Soldiers has always been the way they use their abilities. Because Soldier special moves haven’t had anything like an MP cost in the past, other design measures had to be taken to balance them out: Impale could miss, Headbutt would constantly fail and […]

  • NEStalgia Skill Tree Details Extravaganza – Part 2

    Having covered all of the essential information about skill trees in Part 1, today I’m going to expound on some of the details and previously unannounced features coming in v1.52. Again, if you have any additional questions then please feel free to ask them in the comments section. Today’s Q&A: Will the new spell animations […]

  • NEStalgia Skill Tree Details Extravaganza – Part 1

    For the past few months I’ve been intentionally vague about Skill Tree specifics. The information filter is partially due to the fact that with an update as big as this many of the specifics don’t get worked out until it’s actually close to completion, but also because some players tend to take tidbits of information […]

  • Welcome to the New Silk Games Blog

    Meet the new blog, same as the old blog. Although we’ve transitioned away from our long running development blog on BYOND, those of you who want to go and dig around in the archives of old posts can still do so. One of the big benefits of this move is that players can now use […]