Category: NEStalgia
NEStalgia’s 2015 Easter Holiday Event
NEStalgia v1.69.0 went live on the Official servers this morning, and along with it comes an improved and expanded Easter event. Similar to the style of the new Halloween event from several months ago, the expanded Easter content includes an entirely new region with its own reputation, badges, unique items and recruitable companions. Called “The […]
NEStalgia v1.68.8 + Savefile Transfers
The NEStalgia v1.68.8 update is now live, and simply contains a few minor bug fixes related to the recent server and savefile merges. With those bugs out of the way, we are finally able to start accepting savefile transfer requests for players on the official servers. In order to request a savefile transfer, please visit the […]
December 2014 Server Merge Information
Hey everyone! If you’re logging into the game after an extended absence, you may find that the official server you once played on no longer exists. We try to add and remove official NEStalgia servers according to the ebb and flow of demand (usually determined by big updates and Steam sales) in order to ensure […]
NEStalgia Humble Bundle Sale, Plus Other News!
We knew that the Steam launch would be a big deal, but seeing it actually happen back in April was pretty incredible. The crazy part for me personally was that in the opening days of the Steam release I was in the hospital with my wife as she gave birth to our first baby. The […]
NEStalgia v1.68 Released, Steam Coming Soon
After several months of non-stop development work, the v1.68 update finally went live Friday night. For those of you who are unfamiliar with either this update or our forthcoming Steam launch, here are the highlights: v1.68 has a massive change log There are a ton of changes in v1.68, both small and large. You can […]
NEStalgia v1.68 Preview, Plus a Podcast!
So how about that Steam launch? Well, the BYOND team is still working as fast as they can to get all of the Steam API stuff integrated into NEStalgia. Once that’s done, we’ll be finally be able to release the game on Steam (hopefully this month). In addition to lending a hand in that process […]
Podcast Ep16: Preparing for Steam
It’s been a long, long time since we’ve recorded a podcast, but part of our goal as we move development ahead at full throttle is to increase the frequency of blog posts and updates about what’s going on behind the scenes. Today’s podcast is a meaty one, clocking in at 42 minutes. On this episode […]
NEStalgia Pre-Steam Fundraiser
Amid all of the craziness of trying to get the game ready for Steam, one of the road blocks that I’m currently running into is a shortage of available funds for development. Part of that stems from putting aside projects that actually pay the bills in order to work on NEStalgia (which doesn’t yet pay the bills)… […]
v1.67.3 Patch and More Steam News
The v1.67.3 update went live on all servers earlier today. This patch added a couple cool features (overworld hotkeys!) and streamlined the game’s interface a bit. All of these changes are related to NEStalgia’s upcoming launch on Steam as we scramble to get the game ready for wide-scale distribution. About that Steam launch… Here is a small taste […]
NEStalgia Has Been Greenlit… So What Now?
It’s hard to believe that it’s been exactly one year since NEStalgia went up on Steam Greenlight. It’s even harder to believe that it’s also been about a year since development of the game was inadvertently put on “pause” after I started a new job. By sheer coincidence, I wrapped up that job this past […]